Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Blogging the Gospel

Althought the word 'gospel' is used in a variety of contexts, it carries special meaning within the Christian faith. Literally, the word means 'good news'. Trouble is, many people I talk to seem to think the Christian message is bad news or irrlelvant news or ridiculous news. Even more common is the assumption that the Christian faith can be pretty much anything you want it to be. Create your own version is the order of the day.
So, I'm wondering whether it is possible to blog the heart of the Christian faith. Probably lots have tried before, but I think I'll have a crack at it: just a bit at a time, trying to connect with both Jesus teaching and recognised Christian ideas (often called orthodoxy) to see if it has anything to say to me today.

Stay tuned - hope I can see this through.

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