comes as a surprise to many that the Bible answers these questions quite
plainly, “. . . what may be known about God is plain to them, for God has made
it plain. For ever since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities,
his eternal power and divine nature can be clearly seen. They are perceived in
the things God has made.” (Romans 1:19,20) The appropriate place to begin
relating to God is as our Creator.
Bible opens with a vivid portrayal of God as our Creator, the author and source
of life. In fact, he is the Creator of everything. “In the beginning, God
created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1)
would Hawking make a statement like this? Possibly because there are logical
difficulties in assuming that something with a random beginning could become
inherently ordered. Random causes produce random results. As Edwin Conklin,
Professor of Anthropology at Stanford University said, “The probability of life
being created by accident can be likened to the chance that a set of encyclopaedias
would spontaneously form as the result of an explosion in a printing factory.”
continues, “Add to this the fact that this universe eventually produced beings
like us, with minds that can grasp these laws and the accident theory seems even
less satisfying. In short we have just the sort of universe you’d expect if
there is a creator behind it and the kind of universe you could never expect if
there isn’t. This does not prove God’s existence, but it goes some way towards
explaining why, without proof, most people throughout history have believed in
some sort of God.”