Friday, October 21, 2011

God is Life

Have you ever stood atop a mountain, and been stopped by a breath-taking view. Why does this happen? What draws us to gaze at a star-filled sky? What makes it inspiring? Oxford professor, Alister McGrath, suggests the reason we find our hearts drawn beyond ourselves in these situations, is that creation has been designed for this very purpose. “Maybe the spectacle of the night sky is meant to trigger off such patterns of reflection within us.” McGrath further points out that we seem to have been created to ask questions – to try to make sense of what we see around us and how we fit into the greater scheme of things. What if the sense of longing and yearning that is evoked by the night sky is meant to lead us on a voyage of discovery? What if nature is studded with clues to our true meaning and destiny, fingerprinted with the presence of God? Has God planned the heavens to lift our hearts and minds beyond ourselves? Are the mountains there to reflect his majesty, the oceans to model his grandeur?

It comes as a surprise to many that the Bible answers these questions quite plainly, “. . . what may be known about God is plain to them, for God has made it plain. For ever since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities, his eternal power and divine nature can be clearly seen. They are perceived in the things God has made.” (Romans 1:19,20) The appropriate place to begin relating to God is as our Creator.

The Bible opens with a vivid portrayal of God as our Creator, the author and source of life. In fact, he is the Creator of everything. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1)

John Dickson reflects on the idea of creation: “While some religious believers attempt to prove that God exists, many Christian philosophers are content simply to affirm that God’s existence explains the universe we live in better than God’s non-existence. How so? A universe that ‘banged’ into existence with sophisticated and elegant laws of physics already in place (as cosmologists remind us) is more likely to be the result of a great ‘Mind’ than a big accident.” Cosmologist Stephen Hawking: “The odds against a universe like ours emerging out of something like a Big Bang are enormous. I think there are clearly religious implications.”

Why would Hawking make a statement like this? Possibly because there are logical difficulties in assuming that something with a random beginning could become inherently ordered. Random causes produce random results. As Edwin Conklin, Professor of Anthropology at Stanford University said, “The probability of life being created by accident can be likened to the chance that a set of encyclopaedias would spontaneously form as the result of an explosion in a printing factory.”

Dickson continues, “Add to this the fact that this universe eventually produced beings like us, with minds that can grasp these laws and the accident theory seems even less satisfying. In short we have just the sort of universe you’d expect if there is a creator behind it and the kind of universe you could never expect if there isn’t. This does not prove God’s existence, but it goes some way towards explaining why, without proof, most people throughout history have believed in some sort of God.”

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Starting with 'God'

What is God like? How would you describe him (of course, you might not use the pronoun ‘him’, preferring to use ‘her’ or ‘it’ or something else altogether)?

I remember once speaking with a young woman who was an atheist. When she found out I was a Christian she immediately assumed we had nothing to talk about. The conversation went something like this:

“You won’t want to talk to me. I’m an atheist!” she said.

I asked, “Does that mean you don’t believe in God?”

 “That’s right,” she said.

 “Then tell me, what sort of a God don’t you believe in?”

 “What do you mean?”

 I said, “For you not to believe in God you must have some idea of what other people think God is like in order to reject that notion.”

 She worked out what I meant and proceeded to describe what she thought other people thought God was like. When she finished I said to her, “If that’s God, then I’m an atheist too!” The God she described certainly wasn’t anything like the one I believe in, nor that the Bible describes.

 J.B. Phillips once wrote a brilliant little book called Your God is Too Small. It deals with some of the ideas people carry about God. The chapter headings reflect people’s views (which Phillips labels as distortions): the resident policeman, the grand old man.

 Phillips works through a dozen or so misconceptions and clearly implies that one of the biggest hindrances to people finding life and reality in the Christian faith is not unbelief, but that people just don’t bother to find out what God is like, especially sources that claim to be God’s self-revelation.

 No one has an understanding of God that is faultless. John Stott once said, “If you think you have God in a box in your mind, it’s not God in the box.” But God has gone to considerable lengths of self-disclosure and, in the Bible, we have a remarkable account of God’s nature and character.

 According to this account, I would suggest there are three essential things to understand if you wish to grasp God’s self-disclosure:

 1.       God is Life

2.       God is Light

3.       God is Love

So, I'm planning to spend some time pondering these three things over the next few days and seeing what we come up with.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Why is it 'Good News'?

We live in an age of spiritual ‘hunger’, but people seem unsure where to find spiritual ‘sustenance’. The first time one lady visited our church (her first ever visit to any church) she indicated to me afterwards that she was very interested in spiritual things, but never expected to find any ‘spiritual reality’ in a church! She expected to find ritual, tradition, ceremony, but it caught her completely unawares when she sensed (in her words) a divine presence.

The brilliant French philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal, once suggested that in every human being there is a ‘God-shaped void’. As long as it exists we are restless and incomplete. We try to fill it: money, power, position, career, even family are squeezed into the space. But none of these satisfy – the hole is God-shaped!

I meet a growing number of people who recognise within themselves a hunger, a longing to discover ‘something more’. Prince Charles once spoke for his belief that, “For all the advances of science, there remains deep in the soul a persistent and unconscious anxiety that something is missing, some ingredient that makes life worth living.” There must be something more! As a convinced atheist, Ernest Hemmingway lived without reference to God. He concluded: “Life is just a dirty trick, a short journey from nothingness to nothingness.” In contrast, the 4th century theologian, Augustine, penned: “Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Thee.”

This blog will hopefully be a simple series of reflections and questions attempting to explain the Christian faith in a clear and accessible manner. It works on the assumption that there is ‘something more’, which billions of people have discovered as they have encountered ‘God’ as described by the Christian faith. I Intend to investigate a trio of key dimensions in Christian experience: relating to God as a Father, making sense of Jesus Christ and discovering the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit.

Blogging the Gospel

Althought the word 'gospel' is used in a variety of contexts, it carries special meaning within the Christian faith. Literally, the word means 'good news'. Trouble is, many people I talk to seem to think the Christian message is bad news or irrlelvant news or ridiculous news. Even more common is the assumption that the Christian faith can be pretty much anything you want it to be. Create your own version is the order of the day.
So, I'm wondering whether it is possible to blog the heart of the Christian faith. Probably lots have tried before, but I think I'll have a crack at it: just a bit at a time, trying to connect with both Jesus teaching and recognised Christian ideas (often called orthodoxy) to see if it has anything to say to me today.

Stay tuned - hope I can see this through.