Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Fire and Floods

Adequate words are elusive when reflecting on the events of this past last week. The extremes of fire in Victoria and floods in Queensland have physically devastated large sections of the Australian community, but also broken the hearts of most Australians as we watch the anguish and pain of our fellow citizens.

Few could view the news broadcasts without grieving alongside those who have lost family and friends in such tragic circumstances, or tremble with a renewed awareness of our own mortality and the fragility of life. Trying to imagine the destruction of whole communities has left us reeling. In the midst of such despair, one assurance remains: our God, who entered the very heart of human suffering in Christ and experienced the agony of crucifixion, weeps with those who are weeping and mourns beside those whose loss is so great.

Helplessness has been one of my dominant emotions this week. We want to make a difference. What can we do?

Here are some options:

1. Join us for an evening of prayer this Tuesday night, 17th Feb at 7.30pm at Toowong Uniting Church, 82 Sherwood Road, Toowong. As the reality of people’s loss sinks in, they will be needing our prayers for some time.
2. We will be receiving a retiring offering at church, both this week and next week, for the victims of both bushfire and flood. Two vessels, one for each cause, will be available for you to contribute to. The flood money will be sent to ‘The Premier’s Disaster Relief Appeal’ and the bushfire money will be sent to the ‘SHARE Bushfire Appeal’ through the Vic/Tas UnitingCare office.

1 comment:

  1. Good call Simon. I like the idea of a devoted prayer time. Saw a woman interviewed yesterday and the first thing she said was thanks for everyone's thoughts and prayers.
